
Houssenia Writing is a general news site. We mainly publish current news in Madagascar in the form of well-cut, straightforward articles. We started as a web writing agency, so we also offer articles on web writing, online payments in countries like Madagascar.

We also offer scientific news on topics such as CBD, alternative therapies as well as the archeology of Madagascar. However, Houssenia Writing is first and foremost our personal space where we post on whatever topic we find interesting.

Discover the latest news from Madagascar. I started blogging about Madagascar since 2009, the fateful date of the coup d'etat that would plunge the country into crisis for years. I am leaving and coming back to this theme of Madagascar and below, you will find my articles on current events in Madagascar. On the political, social or economic level.

In recent years, Madagascar has been at the center of a geopolitical battle between the West and China since the country is now in the Indo-Pacific zone.

Our latest news on CBD and Cannabis. Substances like CBD and Cannabis are the subject of intense therapeutic research, but there are also many legislative and social barriers. Below you will find the latest scientific research on CBD and cannabis.