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Charizard: Most expensive Pokemon card sold for $ 369,000

A Pokemon Charizard card, a one-time edition of the 1999 version, sold for over $ 369,000. And other Pokemon cards are also available at insane prices.

You can buy a set of 50 Pokemon cards for 8 bucks on Amazon. But Pokemon is also more than 27 billion cards sold throughout its history and some are so unique that they are sold at a price of gold. Collectors go crazy for these unique cards and the auctions are as hot as any work of art.

Charizard, a $ 369,000 Pokemon card

In December 2020, Golden Auctions sold a Charizard pokemon card for $ 369,000. This is a 1999 First Edition Game Card in holographic standard. It has achieved rarity status of “Graded GOLD LABEL PRISTINE 10” which means it is one of a kind in the world, immaculate condition. The base price was $ 50,000 and it hit $ 369,000.

Below are the few Pokemon cards that are considered the most expensive in history.

The Pikachu Illustrator Card, only $ 325,000

This Pikachu Illustrator Card sold for only $ 325,000. There are only 39 that have been produced and only 5 remain in the world.

The Pikachu in pre-release, 10,000 dollars

This Pikachu card is a pre-release and it appears to be a manufacturing error. There are only 15 copies and it is estimated to cost $ 10,000.

The Tropical Mega Battle, $ 10,000

Originally designed for a pokemon tournament in Hawaii, there are only 12 examples, priced at $ 10,000.

Charizard, holographic and Shadowless, at $ 8,000

Charizard, first edition, holographic and Shadowless. It is very well preserved and recently sold for $ 8,000.

Shining charizard

Definitely, Charizard is the pokemon which is synonymous with beautiful banknotes. This Shining Charizard is priced at $ 3,500.


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