The shitty world of guest posts, sponsored articles and link exchanges

Guest posts, sponsored posts or link exchanges have always existed since the beginning of the web. These are regulated practices and Google doesn’t really appreciate you making money from this stuff. But you have a whole sector that exists with specialized platforms. And in the past, you could really have a good monthly income with these strategies.

Even if the three are different. The link exchange is mainly done to boost the SEO of the site, the sponso article allows a brand to be visible and the guest post is simply disguised link exchange. 3 or 4 years ago, the prices of sponsored articles ranged from 100 to 500 dollars for the most highly rated sites. Among the criteria of the site, everything is purely technical in the sense that the Domain Authority (DA), the Trust Flow (TF) are more important for marketers than the audience.

Today those prices have been halved by 10 and with a 40 DA site, good luck getting 50 bucks for a sponso. It’s catastrophic and it’s due to the massive influx of spammers/scammers from the Indian continent. Shitty Indians, Pakistanis and Bengalis! If you have a blog with 10 or 1000 visits per day, you must have received an email from these web parasites.

Generally, it’s in bad English, a message copied and pasted dozens of times and since these baboons are ashamed of their origin and they know they’re going to be flagged in seconds, they take very Western nicknames like John Stuart, Cynthia Rothrock (who is an actress by the way). So they tell you that they are frequent readers of your blog (even though they got your url from an automated thing) and that their english level is at the same level as a drug addict raccoon. And they would love to contribute to your blog because you see, they have super mega cool content for you.

Generally, when I communicate my prices to them, you have two reactions. Either, the first is that the piece of shit disappears without a trace and by the way, ghosting is a real plague, a mark of barbarism and absolute immorality, you are a ghoster if you have never evolved in the professional world, you’re some kind of big shit that looks down on other people. And I just hope you die in the most gruesome way!

The second reaction is that they’re going to go back to their original carpet dealer mentality and they’re going to lower prices, lower prices, and lower prices. If you’ve ever been to India, Pakistan, you know what assholes they are in haggling. My prices are already very low and if they try to negotiate then I usually cut the conversation short and mark them as Spam.

But sometimes you really need the money and you get tricked by those marketing cockroaches. And I had a big bitch where I proposed a price of 50 dollars and the chick, without flinching, told me that she could pay 5 dollars and that it was still well paid considering the stats of my blog. Generally at this time, I have several solutions, either I recruit a witch to give him the most malicious anal cancer, or I become Cato the Censor (the one who called to destroy Carthage) and I call on my country to invade India within 24 hours to have the pleasure of crushing her mouth with little shit under my boots.

But often, I have an incendiary tactic, not involving the invasion of a country, but very efficient. To this woman, I replied that maybe her mother gave her ass for 5 dollars, but that is not the case with my sponsos. And right after you mark the conversion as Spam 😀 and let it steep in its own hate, a real pleasure !

These crap marketers are swarming the web, they have no web, creative or SEO skills, they’ve been copying and pasting the same outdated tactics and messages for 10 years. But by dint, as a single microscopic cancerous cell can destroy a human body, these guest-posters have managed to destroy this sector which could feed bloggers at one time. But there is much worse.

Because what triggers my mortal hatred against these 2.0 cockroaches is that they have no articles to offer when they contact you! They have nothing and they will always be nobodies all their lives. They are bag of pure scam.

Their parasitic role is to create a database where they go fishing for any site that has a contact form and belch out their spam crap. If you make a deal with them, you’ll never hear from them again once they have your details and prices.

Because these sons of bitches are paid on commission, like in the Wolf of Wall Street, they don’t give a damn about your site, they get paid to refer sites to other companies. And once the database is saturated with prices that do not exceed 10 dollars, then they will prostitute themselves as much as possible with interested customers.

And to customers, they will charge full price. That is to say that when these leeches have snatched a 10 bucks sponso from you, they will resell it at 100 bucks to a poor customer who knows nothing of the realities of the sector. And by dint of lowering prices and that there are customers who are trapped, then you understand why the prices of sponsos have been divided by 10 on the side of bloggers. Of course, you have to add to that the stupid trend of brands to social media where they will spend hundreds of dollars on a storie that will only be seen by bots or followers bought in Eastern Europe or Malaysia.

Another explanation why the web has become trash is industrial spammers who have hundreds of sites with trash content. What they do is they buy back expired domain names, which have some value. Then they’ll pollute it with junk, cut-and-paste content, but also some really rotten RSS syndication.

I had been able to snoop around a company that had 500 sites in different languages and they offered discounted sponsor posts for each of them. Here again, customers are fooled because they only look at the technical SEO criteria of the site without looking at the content. And since Google doesn’t do anything about these spam sites, so they can extort customers for a few months before moving on to other domain names, they have plenty in stock.

Google does absolutely nothing against them and they continue to swarm like real leprosy on the web. Google updates only affect 10 or 20% of them and they manage to find other tricks. And in the middle of it all, guys like me, dinosaurs who’ve been blogging for a decade, are getting shrunk by all those motherfuckers who deserve to die.

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